The natural heritage

From impenetrable forests, home to large mammals and an abundance of birdlife. Peat bogs and peat moors, home to exceptional flora. Dry grasslands and rocky escarpments, home to numerous nesting birds. Bocage, home to many species… The Ardennes RNP boasts remarkable habitats and species of flora and fauna, some of which are unique in the Grand-Est region.

Natura 2000

Natura 2000 is the European network of natural sites identified for the rarity or fragility of animal or plant species and their natural habitats.

The aim of this network is to preserve, maintain or restore biological diversity, while taking into account the scientific, economic, social and cultural requirements and local practices of the areas concerned. It is not intended to create nature sanctuaries where all human activity would be outlawed, and thus breaks with the tradition of strict, fixed protection of natural areas and species

Natura 2000 sites

The Ardennes Regional Natural Park boasts a remarkable natural heritage. Within its territory, 7 sites of high ecological interest have been designated under the European Natura 2000 program.

The Park is responsible for coordinating the implementation of these action programs, which aim to preserve biological diversity while taking into account human activities.

Grasseland, rocks and box trees of the Givet area

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 673 ha
European interest: Dry limestone grasslands
Municipalities: Givet, Foisches, Charnois, Fromelennes, Aubrives, Chooz, Ham-sur-Meuse, Rancennes
Species present: Euphydryas aurinia, Coronella austriaca, Orchis simia…

Houille’s wooded valley

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 237ha
European interest: Ravine forest
Municipalities: Charnois, Chooz, Landrichamps
Species present: Castor fiber, Gagea lutea, Lampetra planeri

Ardennes plateau peatlands

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 361ha
European interest: Peatlands
Municipalities: Hargnies, Monthermé, Les Hautes-Rivières, Thilay
Species present: Dactylorhiza sphagnicola, Felis silvestris, Lissotriton helveticus

Semoy’s forest valley

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 950ha
Europen interest: Forêt de ravins
Municipalities: Les Hautes-Rivières, Thilay, Tournavaux, Monthermé
Species prest: Cordulegaster boltonii, Myotis myotis, Lunaria rediviva

Monthermé and Deville’s slaters

Type: Special Area of Conservation
European interest: Former mines and underground galleries, home to 9 species of bats
Municipalities: Monthermé, Deville
Species present: Rhinilophus ferrumequinum, Myotis bechnsteinii, Myostis emarginatus

Rocroi’s peatlands plateau

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 329ha
European interest: Peatlands
Municipalities: Rocroi, Gué d’Hossus, Regniowez, Châtelet-sur-Sormonne
Species present: Vipera berus, Drosera

Ardennes Plateau

Type: Special Protection Area
Surface area: 75,665ha
European interest: birds
Municipalities: 78 communes
Species present: Ciconia nigra, Bubo bubo, Alcedo atthis

Grasseland, rocks and box trees of the Givet area

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 673 ha
European interest: Dry limestone grasslands
Municipalities: Givet, Foisches, Charnois, Fromelennes, Aubrives, Chooz, Ham-sur-Meuse, Rancennes
Species present: Euphydryas aurinia, Coronella austriaca, Orchis simia…

Houille’s wooded valley

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 237ha
European interest: Ravine forest
Municipalities: Charnois, Chooz, Landrichamps
Species present: Castor fiber, Gagea lutea, Lampetra planeri

Ardennes plateau peatlands

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 361ha
European interest: Peatlands
Municipalities: Hargnies, Monthermé, Les Hautes-Rivières, Thilay
Species present: Dactylorhiza sphagnicola, Felis silvestris, Lissotriton helveticus

Semoy’s forest valley

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 950ha
Europen interest: Forêt de ravins
Municipalities: Les Hautes-Rivières, Thilay, Tournavaux, Monthermé
Species prest: Cordulegaster boltonii, Myotis myotis, Lunaria rediviva

Monthermé and Deville’s slaters

Type: Special Area of Conservation
European interest: Former mines and underground galleries, home to 9 species of bats
Municipalities: Monthermé, Deville
Species present: Rhinilophus ferrumequinum, Myotis bechnsteinii, Myostis emarginatus

Rocroi’s peatlands plateau

Type: Special Area of Conservation
Surface area: 329ha
European interest: Peatlands
Municipalities: Rocroi, Gué d’Hossus, Regniowez, Châtelet-sur-Sormonne
Species present: Vipera berus, Drosera

Ardennes Plateau

Type: Special Protection Area
Surface area: 75,665ha
European interest: birds
Municipalities: 78 communes
Species present: Ciconia nigra, Bubo bubo, Alcedo atthis