How the Park works

The RNP is an open, mixed syndicate. It is made up of the local authorities that have approved the Park Charter:

Région Grand Est, Conseil départemental des Ardennes, Communauté de Communes Ardenne Rives de Meuse, Communauté de Communes Vallées et Plateau d’Ardenne, Communauté de Communes Ardennes Thiérache, Communauté d’Agglomération Ardenne Métropole, the 92 communes of the PNR, the gateway town of Charleville-Mézières.
Each local authority is represented by one or more delegates who sit on the Park’s various bodies.

The union office

The union office is made up of 17 members, 2 representatives of Friends of Park and one representative of the « Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental de la Région Grand Est ».
Every 3 years, the members of the Bureau Syndical elect the President and Vice-Presidents of the RNP.
The union office is responsible for the day-to-day management of the syndicat mixte, proposing major orientations and drawing up draft budgets.

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