
To promote an appreciation of the richness of natural environments and establish a policy of preserving natural resources.


Natural sponges and filters, biodiversity reserves and carbon traps

As part of its mission, and aware of the importance of these environments and their preservation, the Ardennes RNP has made guaranteeing the quality of wetlands and watercourses one of the objectives of its Charter.

Ecological watch

Developing and sharing knowledge of the area is one of the Park’s major challenges.

The Park regularly carries out ecological monitoring operations. These are diagnostic studies of plant or animal populations in identical locations at intervals of several years. This is a way of monitoring changes in populations and evaluating the conservation/reduction/restoration measures take.

Regional Natural Reserve

The Côte de Bois-en-Val Regional Natural Reserve

Since 2019, the Park has been co-manager with the town of Charleville-Mézières of the Côte de Bois-en-Val RNR. The Park is now responsible for the management plan, ecological monitoring and events.


Natura 2000

The Ardennes Regional Natural Park contains a remarkable natural heritage. Within its boundaries, 7 sites of great ecological interest have been designated under the European Natura 2000 programme.

The Park is responsible for the coordination required to implement the action programmes, the aim of which is to preserve biological diversity while taking into account human activities.


Green and Blue Infrastructure

The GBI is a network of natural elements enabling flora and fauna to disperse, live and feed.
It is also a sustainable land-use planning tool that helps to halt the loss of biodiversity, maintain and restore its capacity to evolve and preserve the services it provides, while taking human activities into account.

The Ardennes RNP is the winner of the GBI 2022 call for projects, financed by the DREAL Grand Est, the Région Grand Est and the Rhin-Meuse and Seine-Normandie Water Agencies.

Our missions

Set up an ecological watch for certain species
Organize the sharing of naturalist data
Involve local authorities in biodiversity management
Ensure green and blue ecological corridors
Ensure the management of Natura 2000 sites throughout the Park.

The actions

The Park’s biodiversity initiatives are wide-ranging and often cross-cutting with other themes such as agriculture, landscapes and tourism, not forgetting awareness-raising. Under its first Charter, the Park carried out a number of flagship projects:

The PIEESA programme, which transforms high-voltage power line corridors into biodiversity sites.
Find out more
Development of blockhouses to accommodate bats
Development of the Dark Infrastructure.