Reconciling different uses and ensuring a balance between economic development and protection.
With an afforestation rate of 52%, the forest is an important component of the landscape of the Ardennes Regional Natural Park. The forest is known to the general public for its rich heritage and landscape, its pleasant living environment and its ancient practices such as affouage.
The forest is also an economic area, since it is managed to produce wood for a wide range of uses: paper, carpentry, firewood, etc. There are many businesses in the region that make the most of the forest, both in terms of timber exploitation and outdoor activities.
Our missions
In terms of forest, the role of the Ardennes Regional Natural Park is set out in a Territorial Forest Charter.
The actions
To mobilise local players (forest owners and managers, companies in the sector, elected representatives, tourism professionals, nature conservation associations, local residents, etc.) around a unifying project and to build a long-term forestry strategy, the Ardennes RNP has set up a Territorial Forest Charter comprising a diagnosis and an action programme.
It has developed initial actions such as :

The PNR des Ardennes has also mobilised European LEADER funds to support certain forestry activities.